How to Save Humanity

By Uniting Forces
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We Need to Determine:

What is best for us & the planet?

'What' & 'How' Do We Adapt?

There are proven solutions...

Pillars of Societal Health & Happiness

Pillars of societal health and happiness.
We need to build communities, governments and businesses that create, promote and sustain the conditions which enable the pursuit and joy of happiness for everyone, everywhere.

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Shared Values Create Social & Shared Value

Shared values create social and shared value.
Societies must follow a strong moral compass to function well with values playing a central role in ethical decision-making. Common principles, attitudes and interests can be shared by anyone of any background, by creating inter-connectedness, friendship, passion, desire, progress, success and happiness.

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Rehabilitating Public & Political Morality

Rehabilitating public and political morality.
Change our morals to change our destiny!

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Becoming a Pro-Happinessism Person

Becoming a pro-happinessism person.
Change myself to change my destiny!

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Co-designing & Co-creating a Better Society

Co-designing and co-creating a better society.
Change how we cooperate to change our destiny!

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Solutions for Building New, Resilient Systems

Solutions for building new and resilient systems.
Following nature’s ability to adapt to change we must build resilience by creating systems that absorb disturbances yet maintain the functions and structures necessary to fulfill our basic needs and form our identity as caring, thoughtful people.

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Mobilizing Support for Global Happiness

Mobilizing support for global happiness.
Motivated people are the common denominator for leading successful transformative cultural change, with us creating a healthy, happy new world by reshaping our values, beliefs, mindset, behaviours and performance. Our strength is to think and plan while also motivating ourselves to get things done.

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Unite with Caretakers and Guardian Protectors

Unite with caretakers and guardian protectors.
The power of togetherness brings about happiness whereby it takes strength in numbers to overcome the divide and conquer practices of capitalists. Unite with like-minded organizations and people to deliver change and make life better for everyone, as we now prioritize health, happiness and well-being over profits.

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Together, We Can Build a World of Happiness!

Together, we can build a world of happiness!
Adapting to change is the key to survival, whereby a return to human decency and kindness is the solution to saving humanity and our only home, planet A, Earth, from the destructive failure of capitalism. Vote for happiness everyday with how you choose to live your life, and who you partner with to be happy 🙂

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Image This...

Happy people is the bottom line

Bringing Greater Happiness To The World enriches everyone. Looking beyond symptoms, we have the knowledge, resources and ability to remedy the causes of current crises - following a holistic, inclusive, sustainable approach, which bridges together our shared values and reconnects people and nature.
Ultimately, society and economies need not be built on greed and exploitation, rather built around Servicing Our Higher Needs.

Transcendent Path of Kindred Happiness

You cannot eat money.

Indigenous proverb

Adapting To Change the key to survival.

Healthy and happy, together!

Kindred Happiness Secures Health and Wellness, with societies practicing thoughtful togetherness and holistic caring since time immemorial. Altruism and conservation are essential to our human spirit and existence. So, to save Humanity, NOW IS THE TIME to center People and the Planet...

Before. We. All. Die?

Now is the time! Put People & the Planet First
Choose To Be The Change