How to Save Humanity

By Uniting Forces

'What' & 'How' to Adapt?

Rebuild Best with Happinessism

How to Save Humanity by Uniting Forces

How to save humanity.
A path to a healthy, happy new world.
Deconstruct. Rebuild best.

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IPCC Report: It’s “Code Red for Humanity”

C. H. A. N. G. E. . .
The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the body for assessing the science related to climate change, released their Sixth Assessment Report ‘Climate Change 2021’ – which makes it clear we must renounce indefinite growth and replace the capitalist model to avoid exceeding planetary boundaries and worsening climate and ecological catastrophe.
“Today’s [report] is a code red for humanity.”

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Time to Adapt to Change

CHANGE!! It is 1 of the ‘Guarantees of Life’.
To adapt, or not to adapt? Now that is the question!
Society has reached an inflection point: Capitalism is an irredeemable failure, and without immediate change an existential threat to earth and all of humanity. We need to determine: What is best for us and the planet?

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Shifting From Capitalism to Happinessism

Shifting from capitalism to happinessism.
So, now… change “What” and “How” you may ask?
Well friend, first we rationalize a holistic new plan before deconstructing systems, structures of capitalism and rebuilding everything better following a shared vision based on shared values, to the benefit of everyone and the planet. That’s it!

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Fallacies & False Prophets of Capitalism

Fallacies and false prophets of capitalism.
There is no free lunch, nor free market. Society is being held back by false development beliefs and a lust for individual gain.

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Capitalism: Toxic, Violent, Anti-human

Capitalism is toxic, violent and anti-human.
Greed breeds mean deeds and is the root of all evil yet, it is not a genetic predisposition. ‘Vile maxim’ is learned behaviour. From the top down, public morality is corroded, with immorality causing widening inequality and erosion of democratic structures and human rights, inaction toward climate change and more.

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The Pursuit & Joy of Happinessism

The pursuit and joy of happinessism.
How open-minded are you about everyone being happy? Imagine this: Happy people are the bottom line, not profits.
Capitalism is a primitive, backwards system. It only aims to maximize production, profits and drives overconsumption while knowingly causing people and planet harm. A cancer.

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Pillars of Societal Health & Happiness

Pillars of societal health and happiness.
We need to build communities, governments and businesses that create, promote and sustain the conditions which enable the pursuit and joy of happiness for everyone, everywhere.

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Happinessism: Healthy! Happy! Together!

Happinessism is being healthy and happy, together!
Altruism secures future gains and is the root of all happiness whereby doing good for others is good for one’s own well-being.
Ethical well-being, from improved thoughtfulness and clarity, is fundamental to healthy mental, physical and social well-being: Pay it forward with kindness to take us forward as a society.

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Shared Values Create Social & Shared Value

Shared values create social and shared value.
Societies must follow a strong moral compass to function well with values playing a central role in ethical decision-making. Common principles, attitudes and interests can be shared by anyone of any background, by creating inter-connectedness, friendship, passion, desire, progress, success and happiness.

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People Grow Communities, Not Capital

Shared values create social and shared value.
People grow communities, not capital and self-interested competition, whereby cooperation produces prosperity and reciprocity promotes public good. The source of our strength and power of humanity comes from our natural instinct to be highly cooperative, caring, reciprocal, and intuitively moral.

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Markets Are Ecosystems of Shared Value

Shared values create social and shared value.
Markets are ecosystems of shared value defined by both social and economic needs, so creating shared value (not just profit) needs to be the new shared purpose where social innovation, responsibility and building profitable enterprises is the goal. Professionals then protect and preserve social values and needs.

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Rehabilitating Public & Political Morality

Rehabilitating public and political morality.
Change our morals to change our destiny!

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Becoming a Pro-Happinessism Person

Becoming a pro-happinessism person.
Change myself to change my destiny!

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Becoming a Pro-Happinessism Society

Becoming a pro-happinessism society.
Change society to change our destiny!

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Challenges of Shifting to Happinessism

Challenges of shifting to happinessism.
Difficult does not mean impossible when imagining how to make a revolutionary shift from capitalism, with challenges both known and unknown a part of the recalibration process when adapting to a new multi-dimensional approach to living.
A shift requires recognition and harmonization of complex and competing issues, which are interrelated and interdependent.

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Principles & Practices for Transforming

Principles and practices for transforming.
To make peace with nature and people we must first explicitly acknowledge, to date, governance and development have been a failure toward sustainability of Earth and society, and both must immediately be transformed or we will self-destruct. This is only possible with cooperative and collaborative efforts at all levels.

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The Power of Co-design & Co-creation

The power of co-design and co-creation.
Open, participatory decision-making builds community-spirit and resilience by welcoming a wide range of stakeholders to creatively work together to form solutions that best fit everyone. Experienced people, knowledge keepers, academic experts, governments, businesses, and everyday people are all needed.

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Co-designing & Co-creating a Better Society

Co-designing and co-creating a better society.
Change how we cooperate to change our destiny!

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Societal Systems to Deconstruct & Rebuild

Societal systems to deconstruct and rebuild.
It is unacceptable for a society to trade public health and happiness at no higher value than just as profit for private capitalists. Now is the time to prioritize community building over the disregard corporations have for communities.

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Planetary Systems to Restore & Protect

Planetary systems to restore and protect.
It is unacceptable for a society to trade planetary health and sustainability at no higher value than just as profit for private capitalists. Now is the time to prioritize ecological restoration and protection over the disregard corporations have for our home.

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Redesigning With a Lens on Happinessism

Redesigning with a lens on happinessism.
People and planet-centered design corrects the great failure of capitalism in recognizing they are not externalities to the economy, rather, the core drivers and true wealth of nations. Nature is healthcare and healthy communities build resilience.

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Redesigning Institutions, Corporations & Organizations

Redesigning institutions, corporations and organizations.
Change how we operate to change our destiny!

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Reorientating Democracy & Governance

Reorientating democracy and governance.
Kindness, community and collective well-being are ageless approaches to organizing the interactions and practices of a civil democracy, while acknowledging we depend on each other, not individualism, for safety, security, happiness and more. Moral decency, thoughtful togetherness and vigilance protects us all.

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Principles & Practices of ‘Democareracy’

Principles and practices of democareracy.
It takes a community to keep or change the status quo, with everyone responsible for the design and delivery of plans and solutions for addressing shared issues. Evidence-based, open, inclusive dialogue builds unity and ownership when mobilizing knowledge and wisdom to envision how democracy is upheld.

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Reorientating Governance & Government

Reorientating governance and government.
Peace, order and good governance requires honourable representation for the greater social good when managing our resources to improve public health, happiness and well-being.
“Why should good people be governed by bad people?”

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Reconnecting Governance to People & the Planet

Reconnecting governance to people and the planet.
Consensus building governance upholds democracy by sharing power and following shared values such as freedom, respect, equality, equity, cooperation, and integrity when balancing how best to meet everyone’s needs. Agreeing to creative, win-win solutions leads to better engagement and implementation by all stakeholders.

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Reorientating Economics & Development

Reorientating economics and development.
Nature has rights and future generations have rights to nature. Trustees of nature achieve and maintain good governance through stewardship, transparency and accountability, while paying equal attention to community, well-being, relationships, culture, spirituality, and harmony with the environment and all within.

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Principles & Practices of ‘Ecarenomics’

Principles and practices of ecarenomics.
Restorative, long-term care of people and the planet replaces exploitative economics that only feed vane consumer appetites. Regenerative and distributive economics for a circular economy will, by design, operate within planetary limits and produce a more just and equitable outcome by sharing wealth with everyone.

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Reorientating Development & Distribution

Reorientating development and distribution.
The social responsibility of business is to increase shared value and help champion social progress with and for all stakeholders. Social licence allows them the privilege to earn and share benefits.
“Why should people and the planet be ruined by capitalists?”

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Reconnecting Development to People & the Planet

Reconnecting development to people and the planet.
Earth is sacred. It is where people belong, and not something that just belongs to people as property for resource depletion. Land is more than a physical and biological ecosystem, it is a great spirit anchored in the balanced rhythms and rationality of life. Rational actors know there is no right price for environmental destruction.

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Solutions for Building New, Resilient Systems

Solutions for building new and resilient systems.
Following nature’s ability to adapt to change we must build resilience by creating systems that absorb disturbances yet maintain the functions and structures necessary to fulfill our basic needs and form our identity as caring, thoughtful people.

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A Path to a Healthy, Happy New World

A path to a healthy, happy new world.
Change our direction to change our destiny!

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Richness & Benefits of Happinessism

The richness and benefits of happinessism.
Bringing greater happiness to the world enriches everyone. Looking beyond symptoms, we have the knowledge, resources and ability to remedy the causes of current crises following a holistic, inclusive, sustainable approach, which bridges together our shared values and reconnects people and nature.
Growing global consensus agrees “Now is the time” to shift to a new way forward with a new approach toward governance and development, prioritizing our health, happiness and well-being.

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Mobilizing Support for Global Happiness

Mobilizing support for global happiness.
Motivated people are the common denominator for leading successful transformative cultural change, with us creating a healthy, happy new world by reshaping our values, beliefs, mindset, behaviours and performance. Our strength is to think and plan while also motivating ourselves to get things done.

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Avoid Deceptions for Keeping the Status Quo

Avoid deceptions for keeping the status quo.
Beware tactics capitalists use to prevent people from delivering meaningful change, which help maintain their control over your right and ability to live a healthy, happy life on a stable, livable planet, as well as that for all future generations. (Fool me twice?)

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Avoid Interference in Organizing, Progressing

Avoid interference in organizing, progressing.
Beware tactics capitalists use to delay people when organizing meaningful change, which interferes with your control over your right and ability to live a healthy, happy life on a stable, livable planet, as well as that for all future generations. (Fool me twice?)

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Get Involved in Creating a Better World

Get involved in creating a better world.
Good on you! …for being the change you want to see in the world. Every person on the planet has a vested interest in saving Earth from destruction, and civilization from collapse.
Fact of life: Apathetic conformity to failure has never made the world a better place. One must reach further to achieve more.

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Join the Movement for Global Happiness

Join the movement for global happiness.
The power of knowledge brings about happiness whereby transformation of the outer conditions for improved happiness and well-being begins with the inner transformation of one’s mindset in deciding to behave in new and different ways.
“Hope has two beautiful daughters. Their names are Anger and Courage: Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are.” ~Philosopher

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Unite with Caretakers and Guardian Protectors

Unite with caretakers and guardian protectors.
The power of togetherness brings about happiness whereby it takes strength in numbers to overcome the divide and conquer practices of capitalists. Unite with like-minded organizations and people to deliver change and make life better for everyone, as we now prioritize health, happiness and well-being over profits.

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Together, We Can Build a World of Happiness!

Together, we can build a world of happiness!
Adapting to change is the key to survival, whereby a return to human decency and kindness is the solution to saving humanity and our only home, planet A, Earth, from the destructive failure of capitalism. Vote for happiness everyday with how you choose to live your life, and who you partner with to be happy 🙂

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“You Cannot Eat Money”

“You cannot eat money.” ~Indigenous proverb
However, we can unite to save humanity and deconstruct and rebuild best from capitalism to happinessism.

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Now is the time! Put People & the Planet First
Choose to Be the Change